As China’s role in the world economy and politics grows, Chinese language, spoken by nearly 1/4 of the world population, is becoming increasingly popular. Knowledge of the Chinese language will help children become successful in the future. Our courses are designed for China’s official language – Mandarin. The pronunciation is based on the Beijing dialect, and the writing follows the simplified version used in China.
Chinese, Hindi, Spanish: Our students will learn the basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing; they will practice their conversational skills through dynamic and interactive activities. Students will also learn about culture and history of the language.

暑期趣味中文课堂 (Level A, B)


  • 以培养汉语学习趣为导向,以听丶说为重点,汉字识认为辅,提高儿童中文表达的流利度。
  • 分层教学,入门课以发音、会话教学为主,渗透拼音和笔画教学。
  • 对已具备基础听说能力的学生,在强化认字的基础上进行写字教学。
  • 在增加趣味阅读的基础上强化中文语感和语言的表达能力,在阅读中渗透中国传统文化教育。
  • 教学材料:

  • 北京华文学院为海外华人学生编写的《汉语》教材;
  • iBest自选中文阅读教材(童话故事、成语故事、诗歌等)。
  • 教学形式和方法:

  • 小班教学,根据学生中文基础因材施教、分层教学;
  • 寓教于乐,将朗诵、表演、游戏、竞赛引入课堂,让孩子们能够对汉语“乐知丶好学丶喜用”。
  • 家校沟通: ?教师及时批阅学生作业,检查学生听、说、读、写的掌握情况并以书面报告Weekly Report的形
  • 家长及时了解孩子中文学习内容和要求,回家每天作业练习15-20分钟,家长通过赞赏来鼓励孩子不断进步。